TAI #52 | “Stanburg / Steinborg” |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 90, fol. 18r perspectives colored pencil pencil architecture buildings mountains · hills roads · paths Gondor Minas Tirith Mindolluin White Tower | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
1976 | ’77 Calendar (Unwin) | E·ii·12 | August | right | with “Orthanc” |
1979 | Pictures 1 | E·i·2 | [65] | 27, right | |
1995 | Art. & Ill. | | 173 | 168 | |
2015 | Art of LR | | 142 | 106 | |
2019 | Voyage en Terre du Milieu | | [158] | 82 | as “Stanburg ou Steinborg” |
TAI #124 | Map of Stonewain Valley and Minas Tirith Described by C.T. in HM8 p. 353. |
Marquette 3/7/17/4a maps black ink pencil mountains · hills rivers · lakes · seas roads · paths trees · forests Anduin Eilenach Ered Nimrais (White Mountains) Gondor Minas Tirith Mindolluin Osgiliath The Stonewain Valley | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
1984 | CatalogOfMSs | E·i·3 | 21 | | |
2015 | Art of LR | | 172 | 135 | |
TAI #168 | Map of Rohan, Gondor, and Mordor |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 126r maps blue pen colored pencil pencil pink pen bridges · fords mountains · hills rivers · lakes · seas roads · paths trees · forests Anduin Barad-dûr (Dark Tower) Gondor Plateau of Gorgoroth Ithilien Lebennin Minas Morgul Minas Tirith Mordor Orodruin (Mt. Doom) Rohan | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
1990 | HM8: War | A·28 | 117 | 1 | detail showing Sam & Frodo’s journey from Emyn Muil to the Morannon; redrawn in black ink by CT |
2015 | Art of LR | | 134 | 102 | detail showing Sam & Frodo’s journey from Emyn Muil to the Morannon |
2015 | Art of LR | | 183 | 144 | detail showing Sam & Frodo’s journey in Mordor |
2015 | Art of LR | | 206 | 161 | |
2015 | Tolkien Estate web site | | Maps gallery | 3rd item (“Rohan ~ Gondor ~ Mordor”) | |
2018 | Maker of Middle-earth | | 394–[95] | item 178 | |
2018 | Tolkien Treasures | | 132 | | |
2018 | Tolkien Treasures | | [133] | | enlarged detail centering on Minas Tirith |
2019 | Voyage en Terre du Milieu | | [148]–9 | 74 | as “Carte du Rohan, du Gondor et du Mordor, vers 1948”; two-page spread |
TAI #178 | Map of Rohan and Gondor (original art) — See also TAI #419 |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 118r maps colored pencil pencil fire mountains · hills rivers · lakes · seas roads · paths Anduin Barad-dûr (Dark Tower) The Cross-roads Ered Nimrais (White Mountains) Gondor Lebennin Mordor Orodruin (Mt. Doom) Osgiliath Rohan | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
1990 | HM8: War | A·28 | 269 | | redrawn in black in by CT |
2015 | Art of LR | | 168 | 132 | |
2018 | Maker of Middle-earth | | 402 | | |
TAI #179 | Mindolluin (I) — See also TAI #180 Together with TAI 180. |
Marquette MS. Tolkien 3/1/24/3b maps black ink mountains · hills Gondor Minas Tirith Mindolluin | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
1990 | HM8: War | A·28 | 280 | upper: top left | monochrome |
2004 | Invented Worlds | | 23 | | |
2015 | Art of LR | | 144 | 108, center upper left | |
TAI #180 | Mindolluin (II) — See also TAI #179 Together with TAI 179. |
Marquette MS. Tolkien 3/1/24/3b maps black ink mountains · hills Gondor Minas Tirith Mindolluin | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
1990 | HM8: War | A·28 | 280 | upper: bottom right | monochrome |
2004 | Invented Worlds | | 23 | | |
2015 | Art of LR | | 144 | 108, center lower right | |
TAI #181 | Minas Tirith |
Marquette MS. Tolkien 3/1/24/3b maps black ink mountains · hills roads · paths Gondor Minas Tirith Mindolluin | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
1990 | HM8: War | A·28 | 280 | lower | |
2004 | Invented Worlds | | 23 | | |
2015 | Art of LR | | 144 | 108, near bottom | |
TAI #182 | Plan of Minas Tirith Compass rose has west and south switched. — cwmh |
Marquette MS. Tolkien 3/7/1/4b maps pencil arrows · compass roses mountains · hills roads · paths Gondor Minas Tirith Mindolluin Rath Dínen (Silent Street) White Tower | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
1990 | HM8: War | A·28 | 290 | | monochrome |
2015 | Art of LR | | 147 | 110 | |
TAI #186 | The ‘Second Map’ of Middle-earth |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 123r maps black ink blue ink colored chalk colored pencil pencil red ink mountains · hills rivers · lakes · seas trees · forests Anduin Barad-dûr (Dark Tower) Emyn Muil Ephel Dúath (Mountains of Shadow) Ered Lithui (Ashen Mountains) Ered Nimrais (White Mountains) Gondor Lebennin Minas Morgul Minas Tirith Mordor Orodruin (Mt. Doom) Rohan Udûn | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
1990 | HM8: War | A·28 | 434–5 | | redrawn in black ink by CT |
2015 | Art of LR | | 135 | 103 | track of Frodo and Sam |
2015 | Art of LR | | 136 | 104 | |
2015 | Art of LR | | 179 | 141 | detail of NW Mordor |
2018 | Maker of Middle-earth | | 400–[01] | item 180 | |
2018 | Tolkien Treasures | | 134 | | |
2018 | Tolkien Treasures | | [135] | | enlarged detail of the White Mountains |
2019 | Voyage en Terre du Milieu | | [146] | 72 | as “Carte de travail du Rohan, du Gondor et du Mordor, vers 1946” |
TAI #258 | Later view of Minas Tirith (II) |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 90, fol. 3r diagrams · designs perspectives pencil architecture buildings Gondor Minas Tirith | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
1995 | Art. & Ill. | | 174 | 169 | |
2015 | Art of LR | | 148 | 113 | |
TAI #401 | Sketch of Minas Tirith — See also TAI #402 |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 80v perspectives pencil architecture buildings mountains · hills Gondor Minas Tirith Mindolluin White Tower | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
2015 | Art of LR | | 143 | 107, center | center |
TAI #403 | Mindolluin |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 90, fol. 19r diagrams · designs maps pencil arrows · compass roses mountains · hills roads · paths Gondor Minas Tirith Mindolluin | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
2015 | Art of LR | | 147 | 109 | |
TAI #404 | Later plan of Minas Tirith |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 90, fol. 5r diagrams · designs maps pencil buildings mountains · hills roads · paths Gondor Minas Tirith | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
2015 | Art of LR | | 148 | 111 | |
TAI #405 | Later view of Minas Tirith (I) |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 90, fol. 4r diagrams · designs perspectives pencil architecture buildings roads · paths Gondor Minas Tirith | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
2015 | Art of LR | | 148 | 112 | |
TAI #418 | Map of the White Mountains and the Stone of Erech Described by C.T. in detail in HM8 pp. 296–7. Note compass rose in upper left which confirms the map is oriented north-south. |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien S 11/2, fol. 18 maps black ink colored pencil pencil mountains · hills rivers · lakes · seas Ered Nimrais (White Mountains) Gondor Stone of Erech | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
2015 | Art of LR | | 167 | 130 | |
TAI #419 | Map of Rohan and Gondor (corrected art) — See also TAI #178 |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 118r & 119r maps colored pencil pencil mountains · hills rivers · lakes · seas Anduin Barad-dûr (Dark Tower) Emyn Muil Ephel Dúath (Mountains of Shadow) Ered Lithui (Ashen Mountains) Ered Nimrais (White Mountains) Gondor Lebennin Minas Morgul Minas Tirith Mordor Orodruin (Mt. Doom) Osgiliath Rohan Udûn | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
2015 | Art of LR | | 168 | 131 | O9–Q19 only |
2015 | Art of LR | | 168 | 132 | all but O13–O16 & P13–P15 |
2018 | Maker of Middle-earth | | [403] | item 181 | |
2018 | Tolkien Treasures | | 140 | | |
2019 | Voyage en Terre du Milieu | | 147 | 73 | as “Carte du Rohan, du Gondor et du Mordor” |
TAI #420 | Map of Rohan and Gondor |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien S 11/2, fol. 17 maps black ink colored pencil pencil mountains · hills rivers · lakes · seas Anduin Barad-dûr (Dark Tower) Ephel Dúath (Mountains of Shadow) Ered Lithui (Ashen Mountains) Ered Nimrais (White Mountains) Gondor Minas Morgul Minas Tirith Mordor Orodruin (Mt. Doom) Osgiliath Rohan Udûn | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
2015 | Art of LR | | 170 | 133 | |
TAI #421 | Sketch-map of Stonewain Valley |
Marquette MS. Tolkien 3/7/17/3a diagrams · designs maps blue ink mountains · hills roads · paths Gondor The Stonewain Valley | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
2015 | Art of LR | | 171 | 134 | |
TAI #423 | The White Mountains, Minas Tirith, and Osgiliath |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 122v diagrams · designs perspectives blue pen colored pencil pencil arrows · compass roses buildings mountains · hills rivers · lakes · seas roads · paths Anduin Emyn Muil Ered Nimrais (White Mountains) Gondor Lebennin Minas Morgul Minas Tirith Mindolluin Mordor Osgiliath | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
2015 | Art of LR | | 174 | 137 | |
2015 | Tolkien Estate web site | | Maps gallery | 5th item (“Minas Tirith ~ Elevation”) | |
2018 | Maker of Middle-earth | | 388 | 122 | |
2018 | Tolkien Treasures | | 131 | | |
2019 | Voyage en Terre du Milieu | | [158] | 81 | as “Vue aérienne de l’extrémité orientale des Montagnes blanches, vers 1946” |
TAI #424 | Sketch-plan of the Pelennor |
Marquette MS. Tolkien 3/7/21/2b diagrams · designs maps blue ink colored pencil Gondor Minas Tirith The Pelennor | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
2015 | Art of LR | | 175 | 138 | |