TAI #71 | Nargothrond |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 87, fol. 46 elvenking’s gate perspectives pencil watercolor architecture mountains · hills rivers · lakes · seas trees · forests Beleriand Nargothrond River Narog | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
1977 | ’78 Calendar (Unwin) | E·ii·15 | May | | |
1978 | ’79 Desk Calendar (Ball.) | E·ii·20 | April | recto | |
1979 | Pictures 1 | E·i·2 | [77] | 33 | |
2011 | Art of Hobbit | | 84 | 54 | |
TAI #72 | Nargothrond |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 87, fol. 50 elvenking’s gate perspectives pencil architecture mountains · hills rivers · lakes · seas trees · forests Beleriand Nargothrond River Narog | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
1977 | ’78 Calendar (Unwin) | E·ii·15 | June | | colorized |
1978 | ’79 Desk Calendar (Ball.) | E·ii·20 | January | recto | colorized |
1979 | Pictures 1 | E·i·2 | [78] | 34, left | |
1979 | Pictures 1 | E·i·2 | [79] | 34, right | colorized |
1995 | Art. & Ill. | | 60 | 56 | |
2015 | Tolkien Estate web site | | Landscapes gallery | 11th item | |
TAI #76 | “Glórund sets forth to seek Túrin” |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 87, fol. 34r elvenking’s gate friezes perspectives tableaux black ink watercolor clouds · mists · snow dragons fire mountains · hills rivers · lakes · seas sun trees · forests Beleriand Nargothrond River Narog | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
1977 | ’78 Calendar (Unwin) | E·ii·15 | November | | |
1978 | ’79 Desk Calendar (Ball.) | E·ii·20 | October | recto | |
1979 | Pictures 1 | E·i·2 | [87] | 38 | |
1982 | Unfinished Tales | A·17·d | front cover | | |
1991 | ’92 Diary | E·ii·29 | 1992-08-31 | | |
1992 | Life & Legend | | 68 | 207 | |
1995 | Art. & Ill. | | 51 | 47 | |
2015 | Tolkien Estate web site | | Website Illustrations gallery | 6th item | |
2018 | Maker of Middle-earth | | [200] | | enlarged detail of Glórund, Nargothrond, the Narog, and mountains |
2018 | Maker of Middle-earth | | [231] | item 76 | |
2018 | Tolkien Treasures | | 76 | | |
2018 | Tolkien Treasures | | [77] | | detail |
2019 | Voyage en Terre du Milieu | | 280 | 205 | as “Glórund part à la recherche de Túrin” |
TAI #216 | Nargothrond |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 89, fol. 34r elvenking’s gate perspectives black ink pencil architecture bridges · fords mountains · hills rivers · lakes · seas trees · forests Beleriand Nargothrond River Narog | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
1995 | Art. & Ill. | | 60 | 57 | monochrome |
2011 | Art of Hobbit | | 85 | 55 | |
TAI #488 | Second Silmarillion map |
Bodleian MS. Tolkien S 5/1, fols. 93–6 maps black ink blue ink green ink pencil red ink mountains · hills rivers · lakes · seas trees · forests Beleriand Doriath Gondolin Hithlum Nargothrond Taur-nu-Fuin (Dorthonion) | Year | Source | H&A | Page | Figure | Notes |
2018 | Maker of Middle-earth | | 227 | item 75 | |
2018 | Maker of Middle-earth | | [228–29] | | detail of center section |
2018 | Tolkien Treasures | | 74 | | |
2018 | Tolkien Treasures | | [75] | | northwest detail |
2019 | Voyage en Terre du Milieu | | [285] | 211 | as “Deuxième carte du « Silmarillion » |