Tolkien Art Index

Art showing Haleth : 1 items

TAI #69“House of Haleth” heraldic device

Inscribed in pencil to the right, “House of Haleth” and two more words.

Bodleian MS. Tolkien Drawings 91, fol. 27r
heraldic devices
emblems · insignia plants · flowers · grasses trees · forests
1977’78 Calendar (Unwin) E·ii·15Aprillower right of center[unsure of orientation]
1979Pictures 1 E·i·2[105]47, bottom right
1991’92 Diary E·ii·291992-05-08

All images by J.R.R. Tolkien are copyright © The Tolkien Estate Limited or © The Tolkien Trust. The omission of greeting cards and jigsaw puzzles from the above list of sources is intentional.