Tolkien Art Index


Obviously, this listing will be far more useful if it includes images of the works in question. Users will be able to tell at a glance which draft of Thror’s map or which of the various Nargothrond illustrations is being referred to!

We have applied to the Tolkien Estate for permission to include small thumbnails with each entry; their response has been encouraging. Thumbnail images are ready to be uploaded to the server once we have received approval; until then, no images will be shown. Under no circumstances will high-resolution images be available.

The content of this page, in slightly modified form, was first posted in the Vermont Softworks blog entry “Announcing the Tolkien Art Index” on 5 July 2017.

All images by J.R.R. Tolkien are copyright © The Tolkien Estate Limited or © The Tolkien Trust. The omission of greeting cards and jigsaw puzzles from the above list of sources is intentional.